Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Three On Thursday: Purpose

With all the Christmas plans and time off work this week, I'm a little out of my routine. I haven't done a Three on Thursday post in a while, so here are some notes I took after listening to Tony Evans speaking about a Christian's life having purpose.

  1. A Christian's purpose in life is to glorify God and advance His kingdom. If you are fulfilling God's purposes, people will be impacted. If others are not being impacted by you, then you are merely existing. 
  2. Your purpose will always involve your passion. What are you passionate about? If you aren't sure what your purpose is, take a look at what you are passionate about. 
  3. All believers have been gifted with a divine capacity to serve God and be used for the kingdom. God will use our experiences (the good and the bad), our personality (uniqueness), and our gifts--if we make ourselves available.
May we all strive to find and fullfil our kingdom purpose and be like David as described in Acts 13:22

...‘I have found David the son of Jesse,  
a man after My heart, who will do all My will.

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