Friday, April 13, 2012

Pressing Past Our Fears

Once again, God' timing is incredible.  I have been watching a Beth Moore series on You Tube called Pressing Past Our Fears.  I'm not sure why I chose this particular topic, but I started watching it yesterday and finished watching it this morning.  One quote I wrote down yesterday from Beth was this:

"Fear is an emotional outburst of unbelief."

Hmmm.  Definitely something to keep in mind when I start feeling fearful. 

Last night I was writing in my journal and decided to thumb through and read some older entries (like a whole decade ago).  I noticed that some of the things I was writing about then are similar to current circumstances (not exactly the same, but definitely similar).  Similar issues and phrases used jumped out at me.  The circumstance I had written about more than a decade ago did not end the way I had hoped.  I began to feel discouraged after reading this.  I began to fear the same thing was happening all over again.  I prayed about it.

So this morning I went back to finish watching the rest of this Beth Moore series.  First thing I hear is, Why am I projecting an old fear on a new day?   Woah!  This is a new place that God has me and I should not be putting these old fears in this new place.  If God has put me here, then He will equip me to handle what He's put before me. 

The next great nugget of truth I hear is, The Enemy discourages me to keep me from proceeding with God's plan.  The root word  here is Courage.  God will give us courage.  The Enemy will obviously want to DisCourage.  Once again, if I am in God's plan then I need to keep at it, to get back up and refuse to quit what God has placed before me.  Fear of the past is not an option.  I must live in the present and trust Him to meet my needs and direct my steps.

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